
Working through the shame

First, The incident: I have been having a problem, on and off, with my upper back and shoulders. Referred pain down my arms that felt like my bones were one fire. My GP heard me out and gave me a script for Physio. A script here in Berlin gives you 6 physio sessions. Near the… Continue reading Working through the shame

Happy Places

First Jonker “parkrun” run report

On a sunny and cool Saturday morning the tiniest human and I put on our parkrun gear and headed out for the first ever Jonker 5km. The eldest had mysteriously fallen ill overnight and though he really really wanted to join us, he just did not feel well (Read: he wanted to stay home and… Continue reading First Jonker “parkrun” run report

Discussion, Uncategorized

Physical rehab

The forgotten side of weightloss. When you suffer a break, tear or go through a major operation, part of the healing process is Rehab. You get sent to a specialist that will teach you to move correctly again. Without a doubt the key to recovery from all the above is rehab. When you lose a… Continue reading Physical rehab


Transformation isn’t skin deep

As I come to the end of my Sleekgeek coaching program and finding my feet with my new running program I made a decision to stop focusing on my outside appearance and focus more on my running progress. I made this decision for 2 reasons. The first being that, for right now, I want my… Continue reading Transformation isn’t skin deep

Inspire, Open letter

For all those times I said “I can’t”

Between the voices in society and the voices in my head, it's surprising I have achieved anything at all. We are constantly bombarded with advice, opinions, statistics, etc. that let us know exactly what we can't do. What we need to start doing is to tell ourselves that we can, we might just have to… Continue reading For all those times I said “I can’t”